who am i ?

Born on 13th of September 2001, the day that my parents decide to give my name as Batrisyia Sofiya binti Mozaidy Amri which means intelligent. Being the eldest among 7 siblings- 3 girls and 4 boys, all the girls’ name ended with Sofiya and the boys’ ended with Arif. Start to study in a boarding school since I am in form 1 (13 years old) makes me very independent as a girl, wash clothes by myself, getting new friends in my first day without my parents’ help, go to eat without family members. So much to tell about me and my life throughout the journey. Although it just near by house like 30 minutes from home, but I still feel alone when arriving there. In my  siblings, only me as a big sister that attended to a boarding school. My brothers and sisters all studies in the same secondary school that just close by the house and told my parents that they do not interested to learn at boarding school. I grew up in Kerteh, Terengganu which is the most peaceful city I think for the rest of my life. No traffic congestion and not a busy city, Kerteh have been already complete with a shopping mall- Mesramall if you want to go shopping, although shopping centre that is the best is in Kuala Lumpur, but it’s okay because sometimes on the weekend we can just go to Mesramall for family time. Here also have a bowling centre and a cinema which we can spend time with family and friends. My mom once said that if she is given an opportunity to live in Kuala Lumpur where the shopping centre is, she still chooses Kerteh to settle in.

Grew up with an additional mathematics teacher- my mom, makes me love mathematic so much, I wait for every single class of mathematics to learn more about it. Unfortunately, my interests are not balance between mathematic, science and language subjects like English and Arabic. I do love to learn about languages because it is something that we use everyday even when we watch movies, we tend to learn what they speak, but I always do not do well in my language examination even though my friends always said to me ‘you are smart in English’. I am not. That is my weakness, Language is my weakness. I thought I just want to learn languages only for my satisfaction, but I have to attend languages’ examination too, as it is the compulsory subjects to learn in school- both English and Arabic. Sometimes, in my mind, I thought I did not do well in exam because I do not like it. I just learn it in classes and thats all, I am not even trying to improve it. So, before I enter my degree and when I have to repeat my MUET I am very regret because MUET is very hard and difficult for me, I have already made a decision that I have to and I must improve my English and my Arabic in whatever circumstances. It is important after all. Before this, I read English novels, watch English movies, listened to podcast, but my English level is always the same and static.

In addition, my mother Fatmawati binti Ismail is a teacher, meanwhile my father Mozaidy Amri bin Mohamed is an engineer, Professional in civil engineering. The first time ever when I step in biology class in form 4, I did not understand any single things that I learnt. I almost gave up on my ambition since I’m small which I want to be a doctor. Biology is something fun to learn, but I guess the way I learnt it in my form 4 is not interesting at all so I changed my ambition to be like my father- an engineer. At that time, I slept, slept and slept in my biology class, but I try to understand it outside of the classroom and get ready for my examination as well. I managed to get a C for my biology in my form 4 final exam,  which is good for me when I don’t ever understand and focusing in class. SPM is a frightening examination, every speech in my first week of form 5 teachers kept saying that we have to score in SPM because SPM determines our future, whether we want to be a doctor, an engineer, a teacher, an architect or whatever our ambition is. And of course at that time in my mind, I just thought about being an engineer, I dug and planted about biology about becoming a doctor depth in my brain and do not ever think about it again. Fortunately, my first biology class in form 5 is captivating like I want to scream to the world that biology is fun and it is easy ! It is my first biology class that I do not sleep even yawning. After a few months learning Biology in a new spirit, I am in love with being a doctor once again. In my mock interview I stated that I wanted to be a doctor and a specialist in obstetrician and gynaecologist to the interviewers, not just I brought back my past ambitions, but I managed to develop a more specific things in what I want to be. To make it short, I score my Biology SPM with an A and make my teacher very proud of me because in the beginning I always told her addmath is much more easier.

And now here I am as a medical student just like what I want to be in my childhood. I planned to do well and not stressing myself because in my mind, I love it very much, I do not do for anybody else but I do it for myself. Having supportive and loving parents, friends and teachers is a bonus for me. I believe I can go through this journey with success with their support  and my spirit. That’s all about me.

Get to know me guys ! the owner of the dusty and boring blog.

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